Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mindset matters.

Mindset can make a big difference to how we see things. Take for example the reaction of some of our silver medal winning athletes. For some, particularly some of the swimming team, despite coming second by less than a second see it as a failure. Whereas others like the men's long jump silver medalist was thrilled at his accomplishment. On having the tv commentator say to him 'you must be disappointed' his response was 'I'm happy, my coach is happy, the only one that doesn't seem to be happy is you.' or something to that effect anyway. I thought that was an excellent response as these elite athletes are competing against the best in the world and in a race of eight or how ever many are competing generally only one person can win. I personally think just being chosen for an Olympic team is an amazing accomplishment and admire all the athletes that dedicate their lives to being amongst the best in the world at what they do.

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