Thursday, August 16, 2012


Okay, when I set myself this writing task I failed to take into consideration that I would be spending 5 days in Canberra at an Emotionally intense workshop where, after attending them regularly for almost three years, I know I have very little time to spend on such things as writing a blog. I did manage to get one post written and although I started on a second I was having difficulty putting my thoughts together into something that made sense. Now that I have returned home I have given myself a couple of days off and am ready to get back into it.
One of the things I learnt over the weekend was that when things become uncomfortable for me and I push past the resistance that shows up I am capable of doing things I never felt that I was able to in the past. The hardest part for me was pushing through the resistance and once that was done and it became easy I wondered why I had put up so much resistance in the first place. This is a realization that will not only have served me well over the past weekend but also as I continue facing whatever challenges life has for me. What are you doing or not doing in your own life that is holding you back from achieving the things you most want?

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