Friday, August 17, 2012

A wishes fufilled coincidence

Towards the end of a coaching call I had with a client last night we were talking about the book 'Wishes Fulfilled' written by Dr Wayne Dyer. It was a book I had recommended to the client and she was saying how much she had enjoyed it and some occurrences that had happened since she had read the book. After I read this book I signed up to receive information from Dr Dyer's website however was still rather intrigued by the fact that whist we had been talking about him and the book I received an email from his company about some programs and products that he currently has on offer.
I'm not sure what exactly the meaning of this is, if anything at all, however one thing I do believe is that 'when the student is ready the teacher appears' and although I may have heard the same message a number of times in various different ways sometimes I just don't get it because I am not ready to hear what is being said.  I'm sure Maui would be a really nice place to be in January for the Divine Love workshop however the products that caught my eye were the Secrets of Manifesting CD's and the I AM wishes fulfilled meditation.

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