Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Flat Belly Challenge - The first week

Hard to believe a week has gone by already and I also forgot to blog after the end of the detox like I had intended to do. I didn't find the detox part of the plan difficult at all. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the 'green' smoothies for breakfast and have had the since finishing with the addition of protein powder and also gave putting oats in it a go one morning and that wasn't too bad either.
I seem to have gone okay with not drinking coffee other than when I went to the shops on the second afternoon of the detox and I could smell coffee and all other manner of food I was now choosing not to inflict upon my body. I ended up with a slight headache after that trip however it didn't last long and drinking green teas seems to help.
So with the detox done and dusted I moved onto the rest of the eating plan. Although the protein powder I brought was only vanilla I'm pleased to say I think it is yummy! I'm a bit of a cheese lover so being able to eat some cottage cheese was awesome. I was really feeling like some chocolate so decided to make the high protein chocolate bars and oh my goodness! they are delicious. They smelt so good whilst they were cooking and if I hadn't have eaten my dinner before trying one I may well have been tempted to eat the whole tray full of them.
The one thing I was a little challenged by was the amount of meat that is needed to make up a portion of protein. Now this isn't so much of a problem for me when making dinner however when I put 100g of turkey slice on my rye bread sandwich it looked like so much meat considering in the past I would only put on a couple of small slices. Once I added the salad and started eating it was actually pretty good.
Meals aren't all that difficult to put together since I have cooked up extras of most of the things I have so far cooked and put them in portion size amounts to be taken out of the freezer and used later. Well it's time to go cook one of the other recipes from the plan - meaty muffins, so I have some more variety in what I have to eat and from what other people have said about them they are yummy.

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