Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Flat Belly Challenge - Last Day

It has been 28 days of clean eating for me along with regular exercise and the results are in. Although I only lost about 1 kg my waist measurement reduced by 5cm and I feel more toned, fitter and healthier than I have in a long time.
I had the advantage of moving into somewhere that I had no food only a couple of days before starting the challenge and therefore any food I brought was challenge approved. I think it also helped not having a teenager around to be eating junk food in front of me as has happened during previous attempts to follow healthy eating plans.
I actually found the greatest challenge came from the cheat meals that were permitted each week and I found myself scrutinizing things I would never have even thought of doing that with previously. I found that homemade chocolate blueberry protein bars were enough to overcome any chocolate cravings. Being a bit of a fan of potato chips when I got a desire to eat some of those I had the healthier option of either parsnip or kale chips, although still undecided as to whether I like kale chips or not.
My intention is to continue eating in a cleaner way than I did before the challenge and am looking forward to the muscle I have been building gobbling up the extra fat that is still hanging around. Apparently my ideal BMI requires me to lose another 20 kgs although I think I would be happy with 10 kgs. If you would like to try it yourself go have a look at
Okay now for the proof that doing the challenge was worthwhile!!

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