Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why do we procrastinate?

Ahh, so many potential topics to write about I can’t decide!! As that is an excuse for procrastination perhaps that is the perfect place to start since I have recently attended a workshop on just that topic. What did I learn at this workshop? Well one of the first things I discovered is that my problem with procrastination is bigger than I first thought. Sure there are some obvious areas of my life that I’m aware I procrastinate over, writing being one of them however going through a questionnaire which included nine areas of life; Career/Work, Finances, Relationships with Partner/Family, Health/Fitness, Social life, Home, Fun, Mindset, Spiritual life I was a little shocked to discover when I got to answering – ‘A task that I have been ‘putting off’ is……………,
I was able to come up with at least one for each and in some cases although I only wrote down one answer there could have been a few more.

What I took from the procrastination workshop is that it isn’t really important what you are procrastinating about but rather the reasons behind the procrastination. One of the biggest reasons for procrastination is fear in all its shapes and forms. Fear of rejection, criticism, failure and success are just some of the reasons.  However it is also true that in avoiding doing the things we believe we should be doing we end up still feeling these feelings and at some point the pain of doing nothing will become greater than of taking action although by this time we may well have ensured that we will fail and be more exposed to the things we feared in the first place. So what do I think the solution is? Well we might as well get started on the things we are putting off and find out whether our fears are actually justified particularly since most of what we fear never happens.
What have you been putting off lately and what is one thing you can do right now to take a step closer to what you want out of life? If you feel you could use some support and encouragement in overcoming procrastination and taking steps towards living the live you desire why not consider partnering with a coach. Too find out more about coaching go to http://www.destinybychoice.com.au/contact-us/ enter your details and I will be in touch soon to discuss your coaching needs.

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