Monday, February 6, 2012

Living Above the Line.

One of the concepts that has had the biggest impact on me through my personal development journey and was presented to us in our first session of coach training and also came up again at a recent workshop is the idea of living above the line. When you are living above the line you become the cause of your life however if you choose to live below the line you are choosing to live your life as a victim.

Accountability                                                         Champion



Excuses                                                                      Victim


When I first saw this idea it occurred to me that ‘yes I have been choosing to live as a victim’ and I decided then that I didn’t want to continue doing that. It isn’t as simple as just deciding and going out and living above the line forever after, when we or in this instance I, have been programmed for years to blame others, make excuses and live in denial. Procrastination, which the workshop was about is the perfect opportunity to excel at making excuses and continues to provide me with challenges every day. This blog is evidence in itself, for me anyway, that I am making an effort to live above the line and I encourage you to ask the question ‘Where do I most often live?’

If you can identify with living below the line and would like some support and encouragement to be living above the line visit

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