Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An Exercise in Silence!

Over the weekend I attended a workshop with Beyond Success focusing on self-reflection, in which we participated in a number of meditative and reflective exercises. One of the exercises was a period of silence which I’m pleased to say only lasted 2 hours rather than the 12 + hours which occurred in a similar workshop I have previously attended.

The difference for me this time was that rather than avoiding having to order lunch/dinner without speaking I took on that challenge. I went to a cafe with a couple of other attendees and although ordering food wasn’t that much of a challenge with menus in hand, attempting to communicate to our very tolerant waiter that we only had 30 mins and various other things we needed to get across to him proved to be both challenging and incredibly funny.

One of the things this exercise showed to me, being someone who is somewhat afraid of public speaking, is that you can just as easily be laughed at and judged/criticised for being silent. The looks on the wait people’s faces was priceless and I don’t doubt they had a good laugh at our expense however we will most probably never see them again and we had a lot of fun in the process.  

Fear often holds us back from doing the things we want to do despite the fact that we can end up feeling exactly the same if we don’t take the action. What are you allowing fear to stop you from doing? If this is something you would like some assistance with overcoming go to http://www.destinybychoice.com.au/contact-us/ and let me know how I can assist you in getting the outcomes you want from your life.

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