Friday, December 14, 2012

Learning from every situation!

I'm of the belief that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what the reason was at the time. Today will see me finishing the move out of where I have been living for the past three and a half years. My furniture was moved out on Sunday and for the most part since then I have been cleaning and gardening, neither of which would be anywhere near my list of favourite things to do.
My plan was to have someone else do the cleaning allowing me more time to work on my self esteem product creation project but obviously the universe had other ideas and obviously there was something for me to learn in doing the work myself.
Although it isn't glaringly obvious what I have learnt from this experience one thing I can say is at least I have gotten plenty of exercise this past couple of weeks. I did take some of my own advice from the previous posts and listened to the audiobook  Success Principles by Jack Canfield whilst cleaning windows, kitchen, bathroom etc.
I'm looking forward to giving myself a bit of a rest tomorrow before attending the Pole Dancing Studio's Christmas Party and getting into some serious focus on my self esteem program development over the next couple of weeks whilst I do some housesitting.

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