Yesterday I handed back the keys of the house I've been renting for the past three and a half years which effectively makes me now homeless as well as jobless. Depending on your interpretation this could be seen as a bad thing however since both of these things were by choice for me it is a matter of providing myself with the freedom to focus on what I most want to be doing along with being open to opportunities that I may not of even thought of previously.
My first new adventure is to house and pet sit for a couple of weeks in which time I plan to get plenty of work done on the self esteem program I am creating. I'm not far from where I was previously living however a bit further away from the train line so it is much more peaceful more of the time. I was able to spend the evening with the family whose house I am staying in which was lovely and as they left early this morning it is just me, the dog, the cats and the chooks, oh and a few bush turkeys thrown in as a bonus.
First off I plan to give myself a couple of days off, although when I consider that last week when I took a break from pulling apart my bed my idea of a break was to fix something on one of my websites I'm not sure what my chances of doing that completely are especially since I already feel like I'm behind on where I wanted to be as I did the cleaning of the rental place myself instead of having a cleaner doing it as I had first intended.
The pets are all fed and back asleep, must be time to hang out the washing, drop off the rest of the things in my car to where the rest of the stuff is and go find something to wear for the 90's themed Christmas Party I am going to tonight. I must admit having been in the process of packing and moving out I'm not really in the Christmas spirit this year however looking forward to going to a Party.
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