Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Taking a Look at Pinterest

It’s been a couple of months or so since I first started hearing about Pinterest and until now have resisted even looking at it since at times I feel like my life is a bit like this picture anyway with the social media already available to us all.

                              (picture from Pinterest I should add)

Anyway I decided to finally give it a look after reading some information on how quickly it is growing. There is certainly an abundance of information of all types; helpful ideas like using a staple remover to assist getting keys on and off a key ring, intriguing information I never knew about such as invisible mother photo’s, and there is plenty of odd and downright bizarre stuff as well, along with plenty of quotes and awesome scenery pictures which I’m a big fan of.

I’ve figured out so far how to repin or like pictures however I'm still working out how to actually pin things from other places on the web onto my own boards. I’m not sure that I actually need another social media site to be taking up my time although I think Pinterest suits me better then twitter which I still haven’t gotten comfortable with.

I’m guessing once I figure out how to create boards it could be a great way of creating a vision board for myself and what better way to put it out there into the universe then allowing the rest of the Pinterest community access to see it and share it. Would love to know who else is using Pinterest and what their thoughts are on it.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Learning or Procrastinating?

When do you step over the line from a level of continuous learning and personal development to becoming a 'seminar' junkie and end up using learning as a way to procrastinate and not actually take action on the things you have already learnt?

I developed a love for all things personal development a few years ago now when I joined a property investor mentorship program. Althoughthe information provided on property investing was outstanding it was the personal development side of the program on mindset, goal setting etc that really resonated with me. In addition of course to the many wonderful friendships developed throughout the program despite the initial feelings of terror I felt walking into a roomful of 400 or so strangers at my first meeting.

From here I moved onto doing various other personal development seminars, often being multi-speaker events where each presenter offered there own program. So many choices, and with a thirst to take on all this wonderful new information a challenge to decide what programs would best suit me. I've purchased a number of programs which after giving some of them a go, realized they were not the ones for me and I moved on to the next one.

When I came upon life coaching I knew straight away it was something I wanted to do. Through coaching I not only am able to change how I think about me and take action to achieve what I want form life, I am able to assist others in doing the same in their lives.

Since qualifying as a life coach I have continued to educate myself and it would appear that with my previous held qualifications as a Registered Nurse/Midwife and my most recent additions in the form of ACT therapy and HypnoBirth Practitioner that it might be time to hold off on any additional qualifications for a while otherwise I'll have to many to fit on the one business card.

In addition to not fitting on the business card it would seem that I probably have sufficient knowledge and skills to assist those who need my assistance in achieving what they want in life however it won't do much good to them or me if I'm not available to meet their needs because I am too busy off learning the next skill or technique that appears before me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

To go or not to go? School reunions

In a discussion about school reunions, some people said they would like to see where everyone had ended up and others said they wouldn't want to attend at all. What is it about school reunions that has some wanting to go, regardless of how they remember their school years to have been and others not want to be reminded?
I'm in the group of those who would happily go along to a school reunion and I think perhaps it comes down to an awareness of how our past is not who we currently are despite the impact it may have had on us. How we see ourselves at this moment is far more important than our perception of what may or may not have happened when we were children or teenagers. It's true that the negative beliefs we have about ourselves were established by our interpretation of events we were exposed to as children however these beliefs were formed from our perception of things at the time which may or may not have been the actual truth.
Having done considerable work in the area of personal development over the past couple of years I'm now aware that what others think about me is not nearly as important as what I think or believe about myself. I don't doubt that a school reunion might bring up old patterns of thinking and various negative beliefs however I now see this as an ideal opportunity for learning more about myself and for further growth.